Its not very hard to do BBQ.. I mean how hard it could be?
this are the things you need to prepare to do BBQ at your place.
* BBQ set (Grill)
* Meat (Chicken, Lamb, Fish, Beef, Sausages)
*Veg (Corn, Potato)
*Spices (to marinate)

To do BBQ, we need to marinate the meat overnite. This is how i marinate chicken.
BBQ Chicken
* 2 Chicken (16 pieces)
* 1 Bottle BBQ sauce (Heinze, Life)
* 1 Medium size garlic
* 4 Lemon grass
* 6 Tablespoon of honey
* 1 Tablespoon Chilli Powder
* 1 Tablespoon Curry Powder
* 1 Teaspoon Black pepper
* 4 Clove Garlic
* 1/2 Lime
Mix all the ingredients with the chicken in a bowl. Then put it on zipper bag. Seal it properly. Put in the fridge overnite.
So simple. Actually its easy to marinate. Just add watever ingredients you like. Btw only you going to eat what. Be generous with the spices.
Ok, now the Grill. Put some charcoal and start the fire with charcoal firestarter (you can get it in ur local shop).

when the fire start to get bigger, then add more bigger pieces of charcoal. Make sure the flame is off, before youput the chicken. It because, the flame will burn your meat.
After a while, you can start to put the chicken. If you have potato, cover it with tinfoil and put it on longger frm the meat. It takes time to cook it properly.

That all. So simple... Try it yourself. do it with your freinds,relatives, family members... Its Fun.. Enjoy!
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