Jaya Supermarket
On the 28 May 2009, Jaya Supermarket at Petaling Jaya, Malaysia was collapse. It was built in 1974 and is one of the first supermarkets in Petaling Jaya. Jaya Supermarket, collapsed while demolition work was going on, killing few peoples.

Terengganu Stadium (Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin Stadium)
On 2nd June 2009, the roof of the Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin Stadium in Gong Badak, Terengganu, Malaysia which was completed in June 2008, collapsed. The newly build stadium cost 300mill. It Just collapse suddenly.

We know ready, what are the problems of this buildings.. So lets talk about how to prevent from it happen again.
If it is an old Building, u think want to demolish and build new building on it; there better way is explode it. No need to call Micheal bay; he is busy doing transformers movies.
*Call the expert
*Clear the area
*Explode it
*Clear the debris
*Jobs Done*
Save time And Save Live.
If it is a New building, which collapse ; then this is a serious matter. Its not something went wrong. It's everything wrong.. Have to change Everything, if u know what i mean.. Bodoh macam Babi.. Oooppss.
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